
Double Wrap Mixed Color Roses Bouquet

A beautiful, amazing, vibrant bouquet of 25 colorful roses - three colors, three symbols - red represents love, pink represents tenderness, and yellow represents friendship. The ideal gift for your loved ones!

Sofia flowers  -  Delightful Variations Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Delightful Variations Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Delightful Variations Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Delightful Variations Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: BG184
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Sofia flowers  -  Delightful Variations Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Delightful Variations Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Delightful Variations Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Delightful Variations Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Double Wrap Mixed Color Roses Bouquet

  • Stunning bouquet of vibrant roses in three enchanting colors.
  • Red roses for love, pink for tenderness, and yellow for friendship.
  • Each bloom is meticulously selected for freshness and beauty
  • Handcrafted with care to convey your deepest emotions through the language of flowers.
  • Order now to bring joy and warmth to those closest to your heart.
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