
Pink Rose and Gypsophila Bouquet

Pink roses represent love, gratitude, and romance. Allow them to speak for you with this classic bouquet of 15 rosy roses, wrapped in luxury and tied with a beautiful ribbon.

Sofia flowers  -  Glimmer Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Glimmer Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Glimmer Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Glimmer Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: BG176
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Sofia flowers  -  Glimmer Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Glimmer Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Glimmer Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Glimmer Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Pink Rose and Gypsophila Bouquet

  • Elevate your expression of affection with our exquisite bouquet featuring pink roses.
  • Each rose symbolizes love, gratitude, and romance, infusing your gesture with heartfelt sentiments.
  • Classic bouquet is meticulously arranged and elegantly wrapped in luxurious packaging.
  • Perfect for occasions like anniversaries, and birthdays, or simply to convey your deepest emotions.
  • Make a statement with this timeless gift, beautifully tied with a ribbon, ready to enchant your special someone.
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