
Red Gerbera Delight Bouquet

A beautiful present for important occasions or without any particular reason, the traditional bouquet of red gerberas, lush greenery, gypsophila, and embellishment.

Sofia flowers  -  Red Touch Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Red Touch Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Red Touch Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Red Touch Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: BG072
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Sofia flowers  -  Red Touch Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Red Touch Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Red Touch Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Red Touch Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Red Gerbera Delight Bouquet

  • Stunning bouquet featuring vibrant red gerberas, perfect for spontaneous surprises.
  • Handcrafted with lush greenery to enhance the natural beauty of the arrangement.
  • Delicately adorned with gypsophila for an elegant touch.
  • Ideal for expressing love, admiration, or gratitude.
  • Expertly arranged to create a visually captivating display.
  • Guaranteed to leave a lasting impression with its striking colors and charming presentation.
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