
Sumptuous Rose Collection Bouquet

A magnificent arrangement with a great mix of 51 red and white roses was completed with luxurious wrapping.

Sofia flowers  -  Roses Glory Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Roses Glory Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Roses Glory Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Roses Glory Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: BG039
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Sofia flowers  -  Roses Glory Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Roses Glory Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Roses Glory Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Sofia flowers  -  Roses Glory Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Sumptuous Rose Collection Bouquet

  • Elevate your gifting game with our stunning arrangement featuring red and white roses.
  • Each rose is selected for its freshness and beauty, ensuring a long-lasting impression.
  • Our luxurious wrapping adds an extra touch of elegance to this breathtaking bouquet.
  • Perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or any special occasion
  • Delight your loved ones with a gift that exudes sophistication and charm.
  • Order now to experience the joy of giving something truly remarkable.
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